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Discipline Policy

Classroom rules and procedures are simple and direct to provide a respectful and comfortable learning environment.

They include:

1.Follow directions and school rules.

2.Treat yourself and others with respect.

3.Be an active learner (participate & ask questions).

If a student does not follow classroom/school rules, they will be given at least one warning or redirection. Usually multiple warnings and redirections are given. If the inappropriate behavior continues, the student will be informed that they need to sign the behavior book. The paper asks the date, student's name, and classroom/school expectation they did not follow. Serious infractions (ie, fighting, cussing, bullying, etc.) could result in an immediate referral to the office. Students will need to have been referral free and have not signed the behavior book more than 5 times, by the end of the quarter, in order to earn a reward or class party from the teacher. Students will have a fresh start each day, beginning with a warning again.


1. Warning

2. Sign behavior book

3. Loss of recess and contact with a parent

4. Talk to Mrs. Fox and/or detention notice

Specialist Schedule

Monday- PE

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Spanish

Thursday- Tech Lab

Friday- Library

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